Lentiviral Cloning Vectors


Lentiviral Cloning Vectors

The first step of producing lentivirus for delivering your gene of interest into target cells is to clone the specific gene into a lentiviral vector. Cellomics Technology has a big collection of optimized lentiviral vectors with extremely low recombinant rate, high lentivirus packaging efficiency and wide variety of formats. Our lentiviral vectors include monocistronic and bicistronic vectors with variety of promoters, antibiotic selection and fluorescent protein markers. Tet inducible vector allows you to turn on your gene expression only at certain time. Lentiviral vectors with unstable GFP and luciferase can be used to monitor signal transduction in real time.

Name Code Size Price(¥)
Lentiviral vector-CMV, BSD LVR-1003 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, Hyg LVR-1046 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, Hyg-2A-GFP > LVR-1004 10 μg 8330
Lentiviral vector-CMV, Neo > LVR-1002 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, no selection LVR-1008 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, PGK-Puro LVR-1001 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, RFP LVR-1005 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV, SV40-Puro LVR-1006 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-CMV-IRES-Puro LVR-1007 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-EF1a, Neo LVR-1010 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-EF1a, Puro LVR-1009 10 μg 7225
Lentiviral vector-human synapsin 1 promoter, Puro LVR-1049 10 μg 10127
Lentiviral vector-promoterless, luciferase reporter LVR-1048 10 μg 8330
Lentiviral vector-tet inducible, Puro LVR-1047 10 μg 10127

cDNA Expression Vector Formats

cDNAs and selection markers driven by different promoters 
Cellomics Technology has a big collection of lentiviral transfer vectors with variety of promoters, antibiotic selection and fluorescent protein markers.

Bicistronic lentiviral vector: cDNA and selection markers driven by the same promoter
IRES/T2A/P2A system allows co-express your genes with reporters to monitor your genes expression in real time.

Unstable GFP and luciferase for promoter study
Clone your promoter into the promoterless-unstable GFP or luciferase lentiviral transfer vector. The unstable GFP or luciferase is susceptible to the action of indigenous housekeeping proteases, resulting in shortened half-lives ranging from 40 min to a few hours. The lentiviruses generated using these constructs can be used to monitor promoter activity in real time. 

Inducible Tet-on lentiviral vector
Tetracycline-controlled gene expression is the most frequently used inducible gene expression system where target gene expression is reversibly turned on/off by adding tetracycline or its derivatives, such as doxycycline. In tet-On system, the target gene expression is initiated when rtTA (reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator)  is enabled to bind to tet promoter in the presence of tetracycline or its analogues. 

Tet inducible gene expression system is very useful in gene function study, by reversibly turn-on or turn-off target gene expression, scientists are provided valuable chances to distinguish the gene functions from artifacts resulted from many factors such as cell growth selection, background gene mutation,  and many others often happened for in vitro study, and distinguish gene function from individual difference using gene knockout or knockin mice for in vivo study.