LentiGuard® (200 ul), LenG-1-200ul


LentiGuard® is a new product developed to preserve functional lentivirus titer during freeze-thaw cycles. Lentivirus titer may drop 50% with just one freeze-thaw cycle without LentiGuard®. Adding LentiGuard® to the lentivirus supernatant or concentrated lentivirus, the functional virus titers are preserved 90% even after six freeze-thaw cycles. 


  • Easy to use: Simply adding LentiGuard® to your virus stock
  • No toxic: No cytotoxic was observed.
  • Robust effect: Preserve 90% functional titers after six freeze-thaw cycles.


Figure. CMV promoter-driven fluorescence RFP lentivirus stock was mixed with LentiGuard or controlPBS, and multiple aliquots were prepared and treated with different number of freeze-thaw cycles. HEK293T cells were transduced with the lentivirus frozen-thawed aliquots and harvested for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis 72 hours post-transduction.  The percentage of lentivirus titer of aliquots after freeze-thaw cycles against that of unfrozen aliquot was calculated.