Non-integrating Lentivirus Packaging System, PAC-10002-20, 20 rxns


Non-integrating lentivirus combines the advantages of efficient transduction of most mammalian cells and transient transduction of foreign DNA, is specifically useful for experiments that do not want stable integration of transduced DNA. Our Non-integrating lentivirus packaging system contains well optimized packaging plasmids and high efficient, low toxic transfection reagent  for packaging highest titer of non-integrating lentivirus. 


  • Produces high titer of non-integrating lentiviral supernatant with low risk of insertional mutations
  • Compatible with any lentiviral vector 
  • VSV-G lentiviral particles that can be transduced to a wide range of cell types, including dividing and non-dividing mammalian cells.
  • Safe: Generate replication-incompetent lentivirus.