Human Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody


Human Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody

Products List

NameAntigen CodeSpeciesPrice(¥) Discribe
Anti-PDL-1 mAb PD-L1PDL1-01-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to PD-L1, wild type
Anti-PDL-1 mAb PD-L1PDL1-02-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to PD-L1, wild type
Anti-PDL-1 mAb PD-L1PDL1-02-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to PD-L1, glycosylation modified
Anti-EGFR mAb EGFREGFR-01-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to EGFR, wild type
Anti-PD1 mAb PD1PD1-01-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to PD1, wild type
Anti-PD1 mAb PD1PD1-01-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to PD1, glycosylation modified
Anti-Her2 mAb Her2Her2-01-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to Her2, wild type
Anti-Her2 mAb Her2Her2-01-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to Her2, glycosylation modified
Anti-PD1 mAb PD1PD1-02-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to PD1, wild type
Anti-PD1 mAb PD1PD1-02-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to PD1, glycosylation modified
Anti-CD20 mAb CD20CD20-01-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to CD20, wild type
Anti-CD20 mAb CD20CD20-01-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to CD20, glycosylation modified
Anti-CD20 mAb CD20CD20-02-WHuman3400 Human mAbs to CD20, wild type
Anti-CD20 mAb CD20CD20-02-FHuman5440 Human mAbs to CD20, glycosylation modified